You're So Guilty It's Disgusting
9:06 p.m. & May 03, 2004

Wow Taking Back Sunday is so *amazing*, it's a shame Mark hates them.

She said don't, don't let it go to your head
boys like you are a dime a dozen
boys like you are a dime a dozen

God how can you not love that?

You could slit my throat and with my one last gasping breath I would apologize for bleeding on your shirt

So today was okay. Mark looked stunning as usual ;-). He makes me so happy. I love being happy. Alright I'm gonna say something and it's going to sound very childish and almost self-centered sounding (I think) but it's what I would like to believe. I know Mark told Michelle he loved her and I don't know how he said it or what he felt when he said it but I like to believe when he says it to me it means something different. I don't know, that just hit me today when we were down my aunt's basement. I guess I'm still kinda weird inside from getting my heart broken only a short month ago. Like you may not know this but being so happy right now is scaring me so much. Because I just know one day it's all gonna go away and I'm gonna be miserable again. I can't be miserable again, I just can't do that again. And I feel silly for even saying that because I know how teenage relationships work and they're not supposed to last forever. But I don't know, I just wish one would last for me.

Because I'm a wishful thinker with the worst intentions

God I love Taking Back Sunday.

And Mark.

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