Nice Guys Finish Last
9:48 p.m. & May 01, 2004

Yay for today being over. I don't know why but I had no patience for any of my family today. But I do look very sexy in high heels ;-). Haha the best was when the kids had to walk past the pews and shake hands with all the people sitting on the ends, I gave them all high fives instead of shaking their hands. It was cute. It confused some of the kids but they laughed.

Anyway, oh god I had such a bad dream last night. Usually I have nice dreams with Mark in them and last night he was in my dream but he broke up with me to go back out with Michelle. It woke me up like when you're little and you dream about monsters or someone killing you. It even bothered me all day. It seemed so real. And it really scares me... But I can't stress about it too much. Whatevers gonna happen, is gonna happen. So all I can do is hold my nose and jump in.

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