Peter Pan
8:51 p.m. & May 16, 2004

close my eyes
let the whole thing pass me by
there is no time to waste asking why
i'll run away with you by my side

Today was...I can't even describe. Like I woke up just knowing this day was going to feel good. I looked pretty cute too ;-). My horoscope for today said I would learn new things and it won't nescessarily be book stuff either. And I must say I think it was true. I'm not one to "kiss and tell" so-to-speak so I'm not going to elaborate too much. But god do I love Mark.

He's just so adorable in so many ways. And he makes me feel happy all the time. He can knock me down and I could skin my knee (hehe) and I still wouldn't get mad at him. We were up in my room today, laying on my bed and he was holding me against his chest and I just couldn't help smiling. Being close to him is one of the greatest things I could ask for. And I just keep thinking I can't believe things are like this. If you asked me months ago if I would ever be able to call this boy mine I would have laughed in your face. I never could have imagined I'd be good enough for him.

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