Away From The Sun
8:47 p.m. & April 19, 2004

Feeling: i want to feel like this forever...

It is offically offical that me and Mark are offically together now. Yay! And may I add he is the first guy to ask me out in person so please every one stand up and give the boy a standing ovation. I really don't know why more guys don't do it in person, it really doesn't seem like such a big deal. But anyway. Today was like one of those perfect days. It was also such a tease for the summer. Ahh you have to see Mark's birthday present! It's so cool, I want to keep it for myself. But yeah it's amazing outside and I want to sleep out there because it's nice. I'm in one of those moods when I feel like I can write a million words a minute but I have nothing to say. So I'm just going to end it here.

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